Podcast: 68. Robin Bryan and Compost Logistics

Robin Bryan was the General Manager of Compost Winnipeg at the time of recording (Jan 2022), and continues working with the team in a consulting and advisory role. Compost Winnipeg works to take food and other organic waste that would end up in the landfill and instead use it to make compost.

Through this work, they have needed to work through some critical parts of the business including how they keep compost from freezing to truck beds in the middle of winter, and dealing with the growth of the business from just a couple people to a full team.

(Originally published as a podcast on Oct 5, 2022)

You can continue the conversation by joining SocialEconomyConnect.com. Social Economy Connect is a free mutual support platform for practitioners, social entrepreneurs, co-op members and developers and third sector supporters to discuss issues and solutions with a focus on social outcomes in the economy.


Contact Matthew:

Twitter: @MatthewRempel

Email: matthew@strategymadesimple.ca

Scripted, recorded and edited by: Matthew Rempel

Additional help by: Autumn Rempel

Music provided by: Envato

Do you have questions about Strategy Made Simple or have a coaching request? Please tweet @MatthewRempel or email Matthew@StrategyMadeSimple.ca.

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Matthew Rempel

Matthew Rempel is a social enterprise development coach, with a focus on marketing. He helps social enterprises focus in on the core values of their business, and present them in clear language for their customers and clients. He has connected and interviewed many social enterprise leaders in Canada and around the world. He is also a lifelong nerd, and will gladly use analogies from games and movies to explain complex topics.


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